The Executive meeting continues at James Cullinanes Bliantas
the executive meeting started on the 23rd and continues through 24th, 25th and 26th .The members present were Liam Lynch, Frank Aiken, Tom Derrig, Seán Dowling, Austin Stack, Tom Barry, Tom Crofts, Seán McSwiney, Humphrey Murphy, Bill Quirke and Seán Hyde.It was considered in view of the vital issues to be discussed the President should be asked to attend and on the invitation of the Executive De Valera attended.It was the first occasion on which he was present at a meeting of the Executive.
The meeting continued, being interrupted on this day 1923 by hostile raiding forces and the members were obliged to move into the Nire Valley where the session was continued and concluded at John Wall’s of Glenanore
From No Other Law by Flor O’Donoghue