Tubrid house or the “Ministers Hill ” as its known locally sits overlooking the Tubrid Area outside Cahir. It was home in 1921 to a Protestant minister named Disney .It sat on a hill and as such was a threat to the IRA to roam the Countryside unhindered, the occupants being friendly to the RIC and late night Black and Tan raiding parties.It was decided to destroy Tubrid House to prevent it being turned into an observation post by the Black and Tans. One night in early 1921 the local active service unit led by Michael Slattery of Graigue and consisting of James and Patrick Kenneally ,Edmund O’Leary of Knockballinira, Kieran and Paddy Cleary Crannavone, Jim Sheehan, Tommy Keating ,William Burke Roosca; Thomas McCarthy, Patrick Tobin Carrigatha; Bill Houlihan Crohane Newcastle, and Robert and Johnny Carrigan ,Carrigeen Ardfinnan.
The operation that night was a success and the occupants were given an hour to vacate the building. Mick Murphy years later told of some furniture being saved and the lads having a merry time with the contents of the wine cellar. I doubt the wine was drank during the operation as if the enemy had come upon them it would have had serious repercussions so probably a drop was had when safety had been reached.
Reproduced by kind permission of Tom Hennessy from the booklet Sean Hogan’s flying column.